Jack Nicholson - one of the best actors ever

Jack Nicholson is nearly 80 years old. His last film role was in 2010 (How Do You Know), but he never said, that he want to be retired. But even if he will not play any role in the future, he will be one of the best actors ever.

AwardsIn acting, he is the second-most most Oscar wins. He won an Oscar in 1998 for main role in As Good As It Gets. Also he won Oscars for roles in movies: The Evening Star and One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest.

Also he is the most nominated actor in history. He was nominated 12 times.

He played in almost 70 movies and almost every of them was the great success. The Shining, The Departed, One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest. Legandary tittles.

Interesting stories
New York Sunday Times wrote about him in 1975, that "he will be one of the best hollywood stars ever".

He rejected roles in: GodFather, Kill Bill and The Silence of the Labs.

He has got a daughter with Winnie Hollman. He was hiding this fact for 24 years.


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